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Steven Avery, Who Is Still Guilty, Wins the Right to An Appeal

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | February 27, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | February 27, 2019 |


Steven Avery — the subject of Netflix’s painfully one-sided documentary Making a Murderer (and its equally one-sided second season) — has been granted the right to an appeal, meaning that the case will never, ever end.

The right to appeal is based on a technicality. Bones found in the burn pit on Avery’s property were apparently returned to Teresa Halbach’s family before they were properly tested for DNA, which broke evidentiary rules. The case will be remanded to the circuit court, where it can decide whether to hold a hearing, reverse the conviction, or kick it back up to the appeals court.

Chances are, this will come to nothing. The fact that bones on Avery’s property were not tested for DNA is almost certainly not the kind of evidence that warrants overturning a conviction. It will, however, get Avery’s hopes up again, and it will keep the case in the news for a little while longer. However, don’t expect Steven Avery to be released from prison anytime soon, if ever.

Steven Avery is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Teresa Halbach.

Source: The Daily Beast

Header Image Source: Netflix