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Read the Balls Out Crazy, Galling Letter Prosecutor Ken Kratz Sent to 'Making a Murderer's' Steven Avery

By Cindy Davis | Streaming | January 25, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Streaming | January 25, 2016 |

If you watched Netflix’s Making a Murderer, you might have come out the other side not knowing whether Steven Avery killed Teresa Halbach, but there is one thing you do know for sure: Ken Kratz is a weaselly jerk. You probably despise the former Calumet County district attorney even more for his inane prosecution of Brendan Dassey (recently transferred, but still sitting in a Wisconsin prison) than Avery himself, and as we’ve been reading since the series aired, Kratz continues to prove himself an opportunistic asshole who sexted a victim of domestic violence while prosecuting her former boyfriend, as well as at least two other women the married DA met during the course of his profession.

If you think Kratz’s attempts to benefit from his cases were merely physically driven, Avery’s new — and very outspoken — attorney, Kathleen Zellner would like to remind us of a balls out crazy attempt by Kratz to let him write a book and make an actual profit off the man whose incarceration he manipulated.

In the letter Kratz sent to Steven Avery in prison last September, Kratz implores Avery to join the ranks of other “famous convicted murderers” who confessed their crimes to someone who’d make money writing a book about them. The former prosecutor reminds Avery that he “blew his last chance” to add his name to the list before telling Avery if he changes his mind, to contact Kratz.

Wait, so the man who almost certainly violated your rights (and those of your diminished capacity [minor] nephew) and put you in jail wants you to make a presumably false confession so he can make money off your story?


Hang on, because it gets even better. Since Avery probably didn’t respond favorably to the confession/book collaboration, Kratz went and found himself another angle. Now, he’s decided to tell someone else’s story, “because the one voice forgotten to this point is Teresa Halbach.”

Yes, because Ken Kratz has determined he shall be the bastion of neglected victims everywhere.



After whining about wanting Netflix to add a disclaimer to MaM, Kratz says he’s “Finally grateful to tell the whole story.” Dude, you couldn’t tell the whole story if we gave it to you in a leather-bound, prewritten script.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)