By Tori Preston | Streaming | May 11, 2018 |
By Tori Preston | Streaming | May 11, 2018 |
Let’s see what fresh piles of shiny goodness/questionable badness/overwhelming meh-ness we’ve got in store today, shall we?
Because this has DEFINITELY been Donald Glover’s week, here’s a clip of him getting his Lando on in Solo:
Superfly — In Theaters June 15th
A reimagined take on the 1972 blaxploitation film of the same name, starring Trevor Jackson, Jason Mitchell, and Michael Kenneth Williams (who is giving me serious “Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” vibes for some reason). The action moves to Atlanta, and the money is now cryptocurrency.
And here’s the polar fucking opposite of that:
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again — In Theaters July 20th
This final trailer basically gives you more footage, but specifically, there’s more footage of Cher. And really, that’s what I’m here for.
Dog Days — In Theaters August 10th
Look, as appealing as a movie with a shit-ton of dogs and Stranger Things’s Finn Wolfhard is, I was gonna be like “pshhhh”… until I saw that it’s directed by Ken Marino. So, like, I’m still mostly “pshhhh” but I’m also open to being wrong. Point is: DOGS. Fuckin’ love ‘em.
Hereditary — In Theaters June 8th
This is a super fucked up Mother’s Day-themed trailer for a super fucked up horror movie. Enjoy!
The Little Mermaid — In AMC Theaters August 17th.
It’s a live-action version of The Little Mermaid (the story, not the Disney cartoon), only it’s set at a circus in Mississippi? Or… something? This naked cash-grab stars Gina Gershon, Shirley MacLaine, and one of the Pevensie kids from The Chronicles of Narnia.
New From Netflix:
Luke Cage: Season 2 — streaming June 22nd
Wanna see Misty’s shiny new arm in action? You do. You really do.
Alex Strangelove — streaming June 8th
Oh you know, just another teen movie about a kid trying to lose his virginity to his girlfriend… until he meets a cute boy whom he may or may not be more attracted to. This looks charming AF.
Arrested Development: Season 5 — streaming May 29th
Fake campaign ad for fake award. But Maeby’s haircut is the real winner here.