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Netflix's 'Ridiculous Six' Trailer: The 11 Actors For Whom This Movie Will Represent a Career Low

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | October 27, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | October 27, 2015 |

The trailer for the first movie in Adam Sandler’s four-picture deal with Netflix has arrived. Ridiculous 6, as you might recall, stirred considerable controversy earlier this year over its treatment of Native American actors and characters, resulting in the cultural consultant quitting and Netflix offensively defending the movie.

With the trailer out, we get a full picture of who is in this movie, and we can now count the actors for which appearing in Ridiculous 6 represents a career low:

1. Terry Crews
2. Will Forte
3. Danny Trejo
4. Nick Nolte
5. Luke Wilson
6. Whitney Cummings
7. John Turturro
8. Steve Zahn
9. Jorge Garcia
10. Steve Buscemi
11. Harvey Keitel

One actor for whom this movie will represent a step up?

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Congratulations, Taylor Lautner.

Here’s the trailer: