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'The Last Five Years' Gives You More of Anna Kendrick Singing

By Genevieve Burgess | Music | January 24, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Music | January 24, 2015 |

Anna Kendrick’s The Last Five Years is coming out February 13th, making it an excellent choice for a really passive aggressive way to get across “I’m just not that into you” to a Valentine’s date. But if you’re looking for a little preview of how Ms.Kendrick and her fellow lead, Jeremy Jordan, will be handling their roles two songs have been released to the internet. I have never seen this musical and only know of it what cursory internet research has taught me, but without further ado, here’s the songs.

Here’s Jordan with “Moving Too Fast.” I’m a fan of the piano riffs here and Jordan sounds good, but I’m not getting drawn in the way I’d want to.

Anna Kendrick’s “I Can Do Better Than That” is more simple, instrumentally, but I feel like it works better in terms of bringing the listener into the story. Tragically, that one seems unavailable to embed, but you can listen to it over at Just Jared and see what you think.

Both songs are also now available for purchase on iTunes, so you can spend the next three weeks listening to them over and over again and keeping your fingers crossed that the rest of the movie lives up to whatever promise they present.