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What's In Store for Season 2 of Mr.Robot?

By Genevieve Burgess | Mr. Robot | October 10, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Mr. Robot | October 10, 2015 |

USA’s Mr.Robot was one of this summer’s most surprising and thrilling new shows. I had hacking storylines done intelligently, an unreliable narrator that didn’t exist just to insult the audience’s intelligence, some flat-out amazing acting, and a break-neck pace through the entire first season. There were times when it was so ambitious it felt like creator Sam Esmail and star Rami Malek were holding it all together through sheer force of will alone, but it all paid off in the end. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a show that trusted its audience as much as Mr.Robot did, and the fact that the story-telling didn’t feel the need to over-explain or linger on shock moments was very refreshing.

The end of season 1 definitely left some plots hanging, but since the show was renewed for a second season before the first season finished airing, that wasn’t quite the anxiety inducer it normally would be. Yesterday at New York Comic Con Esmail and the cast answered some questions about what’s in store for the new season. Note: spoilers below for season 1 of Mr.Robot:

- Esmail says season 2 will “get really fucking dark” which makes me wonder what he thought season 1, which included a pregnant woman breaking her own water with a cocktail fork as a power move, was.

- We’ll learn more about Elliot and Darlene’s relationship and how that fits in with fsociety’s origins.

- Christian Slater is returning. It was not revealed if he will continue to be an alter-ego/hallucination or if it will be in flashbacks.

- As for what the actors want, Rami Malek would like to see flashbacks involving Shayla, and he’d like Elliot to “eat something in the show and change my clothes.”

- Martin Wallström (whose presence at this panel could be a spoiler in and of itself) says that he would like to see Wellick and Elliot make out. And a thousand creepy shipper hearts were set aflame.

Tragically the one piece of information that we’d be most interested in, the premiere date, was not revealed.