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Your First Look At The Boys Of The Hunger Games aka Jacob And Edward, The Sequel

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | July 27, 2011 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | July 27, 2011 |

Am I crazy or is Josh Hutcherson (Peeta) looking a little Alan Tudyk-y in that photo? A mite Tudyk-ish? I’ve never noticed the resemblance before but, then again, Hutcherson (an actor I quite like) has never been blonde before. Liam Hemsworth (Gale), on the other hand, looks like he fell out of Yggdrasil and hit every branch on the way down. (I made a Norse mythology joke, you see, because his brother played Thor in that movi-OH NEVERMIND.) What I’m saying is it looks like Chris got the lion’s share of the god-like genes in the Hemsworth family. What do you think? Do these boys match the image you had in your mind when you read the book? Are you more excited now? Less? Team Gale or Team Peeta?

And for those of you who haven’t read “The Hunger Games” or feel too old for this sh*t, here’s the new poster for the Clooney-directed political film: The Ides of March. A serious and mature film for serious people. I’d like, if I may, to spark an intellectual discussion about this poster which befits both my age and stature. OMG, Team Gosling or Team Clooney??!


Joanna Robinson is serious about Hutcherson. She thinks he might go places.