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Joss Whedon Is Still Mourning the Loss of Edgar Wright's 'Ant-Man,' And From the Sound of It, We Should Be Too

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | April 21, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | April 21, 2015 |

Last week, Joss Whedon came out and apologized for criticizing Jurassic World on Twitter. He said he regretted slamming another filmmaker so publicly, on that very public and instantaneous platform. It was a mistake.

Note, though, that this does NOT mean Whedon is going to stop sharing his opinions. Which is a good thing. The man has strong opinions. Many of us agree with those opinions. We want to keep hearing them. So what new thing does Joss Whedon have a VERY strong opinion about that he’s now discussing in an interview rather than on Twitter? Ant-Man. Specifically, Edgar Wright’s departure from Ant-Man. Here’s the brief and somewhat subtle Twitter response Whedon gave last summer:

See? Totally Twitter-appropriate. Not aggressive or insulting to anyone. Just a quiet nod. And now, here’s the longer explanation of why Whedon was so disappointed (and confused) to see Wright go.

I thought the script was not only the best script that Marvel had ever had, but the most Marvel script I’d read. I had no interest in Ant-Man. [Then] I read the script, and was like, Of course! This is so good! It reminded me of the books when I read them. Irreverent and funny and could make what was small large, and vice versa. I don’t know where things went wrong. But I was very sad. Because I thought, This is a no-brainer. This is Marvel getting it exactly right. Whatever dissonance that came, whatever it was, I don’t understand why it was bigger than a marriage that seemed so right. But I’m not going to say it was definitely all Marvel, or Edgar’s gone mad! I felt like they would complement each other by the ways that they were different. And, uh, somethin’ happened.
New ultimate geek dream: Get our hands on that script.