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Whole Lot More of This Coming Your Way Soon

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 27, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 27, 2014 |

How I Met Your Mother on CBS at 8:00pm ET. 200th episode. It’s also called “How Your Mother Met Me” which I would say was the “soft premiere” for How I Met Your Dad except that that’s allegedly completely different but also exactly the same. Looking forward to it!

The Following on Fox at 9:00pm ET.

Being Human on SyFy at 9:00pm ET. This one has tripped me up every week that Almost Human has been on hiatus, because it’s so close that I keep seeing it and thinking “Oh, Almost Human is back!” until I glimpse the “SyFy” lurking behind it and realize that I have been fooled, again. I realize this could be easily rectified if I had a better grasp on the names of the TV shows I enjoy, but there is a lot of TV out there, guys. A LOT.

Archer: Archer Vice on FX at 10:00pm ET. Of all the absurd things they’re setting up for this season, I might be looking forward to Cheryl’s singing career the most.

The Blacklist on NBC at 10:00pm ET.

Genevieve Burgess generally finds that stories about how couples met that go on longer than 10 minutes aren’t worth it, but let’s hope she’s wrong.