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Whiny ‘Ghostbusters’ Haters Think Anyone Gives a Shit About IMDB Ratings, LOL HILARZ

By Rebecca Pahle | Miscellaneous | July 11, 2016 |

By Rebecca Pahle | Miscellaneous | July 11, 2016 |

Turns out that Ghostbusters haters are a more impressive group than we ever thought, because they have somehow managed to build a time machine, go four days into the future, see Ghostbusters, a ladybonerfest that OPPRESSES ALL MALES, come back to our time, and cast their votes on IMDB accordingly.

That, or people are spamming Ghostbusters’ IMDB page with one-star ratings despite the fact that they haven’t seen it yet. It’s one of those.

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Now, Ghostbusters is out today in the UK and Ireland, and some critics have already seen it (here’s our review). But I’m just guessing with my little lady brain that the majority of these crusty genital warts in human form are talking out their asses here. Just a thought.

The whole thing is rendered quasi-hilarious by the fact that these jackoffs somehow think they’re accomplishing something or making some kind of point (other than “I have never gotten laid”) by gaming the IMDB user ratings. Has anyone, at any point in history, cared about those? Producers, studio execs, your mom’s hamster? Bueller? Bueller?

Hmmm… we have whiny, sexist manbabies with easily bruised egos and a sense of entitlement…. what’s missing here… OH HI, REDDIT.

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Click to embiggen. Or, the text reads (emphasis mine):

Ok, so obviously the reviews aren’t as bad as we had hoped. So what more can we do at this point to make sure that the public knows it’s terrible so that it bombs? We were doing a pretty good job of filtering out positive reviews in /r/movies, but they consolidated them into a mega thread and now people are starting to say maybe we were wrong. Is there any way to easily get the word out on social media that the positive reviews are probably all paid for?

Again, this is a movie these taintstains have not seen. Why do they think reviewers were paid to like Ghostbusters, anyway? Aren’t we still rolling in the dough from the hit job we performed on Batman v Superman?