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We Finally Have the Julia Child Movie We Wanted All Along

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | November 15, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | November 15, 2014 |

In a stroke of genius, Adam Goldman has recut the movie Julie & Julia to only show the parts involving Julia Child. This is fantastic, because I know zero people who actually watched that movie for Julie Powell. Amy Adams and Chris Messina are fine and all, but Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci were transcendent as the Childs. It’s only about an hour long, but works on its own pretty well. I’m only sad that we didn’t get this movie as a full-length film in the first place.

Just the perfect thing for a chilly Saturday evening in November. Incidentally, if you haven’t read My Life in France I would highly recommend it. It’s a wonderful book about an amazing woman and the relationship between Julia and Paul Child is one of the most beautiful relationships I’ve ever read about. It really is a lovely story. This version of & Julia comes very close to capturing that.