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Viewers Bemusedly React to Netflix's Porny Sounding Series Suggestion

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | April 16, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | April 16, 2015 |

You know that thing where Skynet Netflix spies on us gathers up information on the shows we watch and based on that data, spits back other shows or movies they think we’d like? At my house, this is always a disaster because the kids watch stuff on a super-old tablet that somehow doesn’t separate out users, so let’s say the grown-ups watch stuff like Daredevil, Bloodline and Starred Up; we’ll still get back suggestions based on Strawberry Shortcake and My Little Pony. Apparently we’re not the only household with such minor issues.

Yesterday, Netflix emailed a whole bunch of people with what some might think an hysterically funny (others, not so much) suggestion for their viewing pleasure — a little show called Scrotal Recall. Wait, does Netflix even do porn, you might be asking yourself as you run off to open a new tab; have I been missing out all this time? You know, not exactly. While there are some films that contain racy scenes (you go search it, I’m not doing the work for you), Netflix generally has a no porn policy. So, why oh why would they recommend this obviously porny-sounding title? Get a grip, Prudence; it’s just a little British comedy, that’s all.

Some people on Twitter had fun with it…

…and some didn’t.

Actually, it doesn’t look half bad. Thanks Obama! Netflix!

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)