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Twitter Reacts To Jeff Sessions' Time Magazine Cover

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | March 29, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | March 29, 2018 |


Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions (A.K.A. the bigot Coretta Scott King warned us about) is the latest member of President* Donald Trump’s team to appear on the cover of Time magazine. And considering how super stoked Trump was when Bannon achieved that dubious honor, we’re sure this will in no way hurt Sessions’ job security. But sad times for Sessions, Twitter is dragging him hard.

Apologies in advance for how much you’re about to stare into the beady, soulless eyes of Jeff Sessions.

And yet somehow, the creepiest/funniest tweet is the one Time shared revealing the cover, which makes it seem like Sessions stepped out of the darkness Michael Myers style.

Wow. Here’s hoping that tagline “Nobody’s above the law” proves prophetic.