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Tom Felton & J.K. Rowling Want You To Stop Lusting After Draco Malfoy

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | August 26, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | August 26, 2015 |

The bad boy crush is a cliche as old as questionable choices themselves. The desire to tame and fix the Jordan Catalanos and Colin Farrells of the world doesn’t strike everyone, but when it does, it strikes hard. Personally, I always thought I was lucky in never having that particular inclination, and then I saw Mads Mikkelsen and now my feelings toward Hannibal Lector are making up for a life free of finding of finding bad boys attractive. So I understand the idea behind a fondness for the criminally or at least assholish inclined. But still, there are limits. And those limits stop just short of the House of Slytherin.

Tom Felton, the actor who played Harry Potter’s blindingly blond nemesis, Draco Malfoy received this tweet last week:

Oh sure, that’s a cute idea, right? Claiming Draco Malfoy, junior Death Eater and all-around douche monger, as your boyfriend? WRONG. Tom Felton wants you to know that you can do better. And you should expect better for yourselves.

Yes! Everyone should hope for a Ron in their lives! You know, a more mature, grown-up version, but equally loving and ginger. As for that apology, JK Rowling says she doesn’t blame Felton for being so dreamy as to make girls fall in lust with Malfoy. She definitely does blame him. It’s his fault.

Now, humans of the world, go out there and find your Ron. Or, if you want to set your sights really high (as high as you deserve), get yourself a Longbottom.


Via Buzzfeed.