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Today in 'WTF Peta?' News, Miley Cyrus's Sister Gets Dissected

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | April 10, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | April 10, 2015 |

PETA is an organization that lots of people support despite them being totally questionable, even if you’re all for animal rights. They believe that feeding meat to children is child abuse and they exploit women for attention, and I’m sorry, but if it will cure horrific deadly diseases, test on all the animals you want. Now they’ve decided to create an ad wherein a 15-year-old girl is cut open. Neat.


That’s Noah Cyrus. She’s Miley Cyrus’s little sister whose parents once dressed her like this when she was 9.


Hasn’t the kid been through enough?