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TMZ Finds the Line, Crosses It, Sh*ts On It

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | December 15, 2011 |

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | December 15, 2011 |

TMZ has been treading the waters of “too far” as long as they’ve been in existence. One could argue they’ve gone too far on numerous occasions, and I would not argue. But, last night, they officially went beyond all the bounds of their so-called entertainment journalism into a whole new realm of fucked up and terrible.

Last night, they posted photos of Michelle Duggar’s miscarried baby.

I’m not linking to it.

Last week, the Duggar family lost their 20th baby into Michelle’s second trimester. We can judge the Duggars all we want for their at times reckless insistence upon giving birth to every sperm Jim Bob deposits, but a miscarriage or stillbirth is sad and tragic and private. That’s that.

Until TMZ gets ahold of photos from the family’s memorial service. Then all bets are off.

The family held a memorial service for their tiny lost one. At the service, cards were distributed showing the removed fetal body’s tiny feet and hands. A family member apparently posted these on Facebook and, voila, TMZ hits their post quota for the night.

I, in my present condition, am in no place to see photos of a dead baby, particularly a dead second semester fetus that probably looks a lot like my own.

But I shouldn’t have had to. I shouldn’t have been in a position to see any photos like that. Because I am not a Duggar friend or family member. I was just browsing an entertainment website looking for stupid celebrity news for today’s post. This was a tragedy for these people, a devastating loss, and now the internet gets to gawk at pictures of its tiny dead body.

This website, this entertainment website, posted private family photos of a fetal corpse, opening the family up to internet mockery and disdain about something that perhaps we would not do ourselves, something that might make us uncomfortable, but something we never should have had the opportunity to view. How fucking dare they.

Fuck you, TMZ, you evil collection of soulless fucks. Just fuck you so hard.