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These 'X-Men: Apocalypse' Images Are a Full 80s X-Menstravaganza!

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 16, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 16, 2015 |

Entertainment Weekly just released a small batch of pictures from the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse and wow, are they a big ol’ nostalgia fest. We’d already seen that Bryan Singer was doing everything possible to trigger not just our own wistful remembrances, but even more so, his own. He took the X-Men we grew up with and recreated his own childhood mall arcade to give them a home. For all the many, many, MANY problems I have with Bryan Singer… this is pretty cool.* And the more images we see, the more they look like they make those nostalgia neurons fire.

Like remember Psylocke?

She’s pretty much everything you remember.

Although I am STRAIGHT-UP FURIOUS over the unrecognizable makeover they’ve given Oscar Isaac. FURIOUS. Angry face:

Okay, back to the memories. Remember Storm’s mohawk?

Well, we’re getting that, too.

The whole thing has some pretty spectacular 80s hair.

So, I’ll give Singer and his team this: they have f*king nailed the look of our childhood. Now let’s try not to put too much pressure on them to make the movie to end all movies out of it, shall we?


See the rest of your childhood reborn at EW.

*Vivian Kane would like it to be known that she would gladly give up a fun 90-minute trip down Nostalgia Lane if it meant Bryan Singer were robbed of his weird Hollywood sex party power. This pictures are cool, the movie will hopefully be cooler. She still wishes he wasn’t a person who existed in the world.