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The Single Greatest, Funniest 'Breaking Bad' Edit You Will Ever See

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | February 6, 2024 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | February 6, 2024 |


Last year, I re-watched all of Breaking Bad for the first time in god-knows-how-many years. What a blast from the past of an experience that was. I didn’t realise it at the time, but it was also the tenth anniversary of the show’s final season last year. Occasionally, I also rewatch a few of those Game Of Thrones moments that managed to escape unharmed from the retrospective torching the finale of that show did on itself. Both my Breaking Bad re-watch and my infrequent, tentative toe dips into the tainted waters of GoT had a similar effect: Reminding me how cool it was when everyone watched the same thing. It’s not a black-and-white issue, obviously, but there was definitely something to the scale of that shared experience that’s missing these days.

But I digress. How did Breaking Bad hold up after all that time? It was very good! Top-notch performances, cool symbolism, insanely tense pulpy drama, iconic imagery. But it was also nowhere near as good as it felt at the time. In the white heat of that shared experience, and the novelty of seeing its story unravel for the first time, Breaking Bad definitely felt like more back in the day. That’s not to take anything away from it, mind you. It’s just interesting to see how time affects our perception of art. One thing that did strike me about the show, though, is just how funny it is. More so than I maybe realised at the time. Packed full of both subtle and broad moments of character-driven and visual comedy, Breaking Bad made sure to expertly punctuate its often grueling tension with these lighter tones. Here, as a sort of tribute to the lesser talked about side of the show, is one of the finest edits I’ve seen in a long time—one that’s right up there with Frank Reynolds in The Last of Us: