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The 'Orange Is the New Black' Cast Proves That the Only Way Into Hollywood Is Through a 'Law & Order: SVU' Guest Star Role

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 18, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 18, 2014 |

Random fun fact about Vivian Kane: I’ve never seen a single episode of Law & Order. I knew that it was more of an institution than a series, the King of the procedural, but I didn’t really realize its full reach. Turns out, Law and Order basically owns Hollywood*. The Huffington Post has put forth the cast of Orange Is the New Black as proof that all actors must pass through the SVU fires before they can get their SAG card.

Pretty much the entire cast has guest starred on the show at some point.

Pornstache (Pablo Schreiber) - Nine episodes of SVU as two characters

Red (Kate Mulgrew) - One episode

Nicky (Natasha Lyonne) - One episode

Pennsatucky (Taryn Manning) - One episode
Taryn Manningsvu.jpg

Sophia (Laverne Cox) - Two episodes as two characters

Big Boo (Lea DeLaria) - One episode

Soso (Kimiko Glen) - One episode (as undercover To Catch a Predator bait)

This is not even close to the entire list, which you can see over on HuffPost. Also, keep in mind this is only SVU. If you expand to the full Law & Order canon, the list gets even longer. Clearly we’re dealing with some sort of entertainment-based soul-trading institution here. That’s really the only explanation.

Via HuffPost.

*Vivian Kane is aware that OITNB is based out of New York, but uses that term in its metonymical sense, duh.