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The Most Photogenic Animal I Have Ever Seen

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | June 20, 2019 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | June 20, 2019 |


Look, I’m not saying that this lion cub would steal your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, whatever, with one look. But it definitely could.

Photogenic lion cub from r/Eyebleach

And hey, while we’re at it, here’s some more blessings from the r/eyebleach sub. It’s a beautiful world capitalism is choking the life out of. Here are some reminders of that to get you through the final part of the week:

Golden girl spots her dad on the street from r/Eyebleach
Street sweeper making sure to get all the important places from r/Eyebleach
He loves watching scary movies, except for the scary parts. from r/Eyebleach
Dreaming of that perfect drum solo from r/Eyebleach
Don’t worry, I’m helping you, not eating you. from r/Eyebleach
We’re just gonna put that riiiight back here. from r/Eyebleach
Adorable birb trustingly falling asleep in its owner’s hand from r/Eyebleach
This is truly an amazing dog. She knows physics and understood the game itself. from r/Eyebleach
Street kitten with their own personal guardian from r/Eyebleach
Don’t stop petting, hooman from r/Eyebleach
Prairie dog pal from r/Eyebleach
Talk about a prancer from r/Eyebleach
Looks like someone got a little frightened of the moving carpets from r/Eyebleach
So Excited. from r/Eyebleach
Happy pupper sees dolphin. from r/Eyebleach