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The City of DC Commemorates The Exorcist Stairs, Fails To Add Spoiler Alert

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | October 31, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | October 31, 2015 |

Yesterday the city of Washington, DC decided to add yet another plaque to the already plaque-encrusted capital of the US. Specifically one on the steps famously seen in the 1973 movie The Exorcist which is set in the city’s Georgetown neighborhood. While Georgetown is currently best known as being that place the trust fund students go to get drunk and eat overpriced cupcakes, it’s an old neighborhood that has a lot of history and it’s nifty to see them celebrate their part in The Exorcist. However, whoever designed the plaque has obviously not kept up with the current internet trend regarding spoiler-phobia, because the plaque reveals the end of the film. This should be obvious, and frankly the movie came out over 40 years ago it’s not exactly fresh news, but WARNING, SPOILER BELOW:


As someone who writes on the internet and has to tiptoe around the “spoiler” issue, I find this highly amusing. Still, this is not my favorite plaque in DC. That would be this one:


Short, simple, and to the point.