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The Best MST3K Shorts on YouTube to Rock Your Turkey Day, You Turkeys

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | November 27, 2014 |

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | November 27, 2014 |

As any good MSTie knows, Thanksgiving is not about food, family or the slaughter of indigenous people. What it’s really about is celebrating the single best television show of all time, Mystery Science Theater 3000. See, back in the before times, MST3K Turkey Day marathons were a wondrous tradition, way better than Aunt Sally’s yams. I believe in living every week like it’s Shark Week and every Turkey Day like MST3K is still on the air and this year is no different. Lots of full episodes are available for you to purchase or to stream on Netflix, but, today, I’m talking shorts. From ’50s grooming propaganda to the sheer wonders of modern technology (an electric iron?! What is this impossible future?!) the short films that preceded some of the show’s shorter features were nothing short of tiny masterpieces.

As your gift today, to make you thankful for me (I accept gratitude in candy or gift card form, that’s fine), I give you my 20 favorite shorts ever riffed upon by Joel, Mike, Tom Servo and Crow. Enjoy, won’t you?

The Home Economics Story

The Truck Farmer

What to Do on a Date

A Date With Your Family

Are You Ready for Marriage?

What About Juvenile Delinquency?

Century 21 Calling

The Chicken of Tomorrow

Why Study Industrial Arts?

Mr. B Natural

Hired! Part II

A Case of Spring Fever


Last Clear Chance

Once Upon a Honeymoon

Junior Rodeo Daredevils

Body Care and Grooming

Using Your Voice

Keeping Clean and Neat

Young Man’s Fancy