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Sophie Turner's Jean Grey Is Pure 80's Perfection

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | April 30, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | April 30, 2015 |

Bryan Singer posted our first look at Sophie Turner’s Jean Grey and Lana Condor’s Jubilee in X-Men: Apocalypse, and for anyone who grew up on the 90s cartoon X-Men (or anyone who has wondered what an 80s version of Sansa Stark would look like), I’ll advise you now to sit and breathe and just let the stone washed awesomeness wash over you.

Fun second day with @sophie_789 @lanacondor #JeanGrey #Jubilee #XMEN #XMenApocalypse

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

Yup, just a couple of too-cool mutant teenagers, hanging at the mall, going to the arcade.

And seeing timely movies.

First day of shooting #XMEN #XMenApocalypse at the mall. Around #1983

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on