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So You Want To Be A Mermaid?

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | August 25, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | August 25, 2016 |

I’ll admit, my first instinct when I saw there’s a “mermaid school” in Brooklyn was to roll my eyes. Because of course, right? But cynics swim aside, because World of Swimming’s Mermaid School is more than a place where women and men can flop about in sparkling fish tails. It’s a place where bonding and empowerment blossoms beachside.

Gothamist sent a reporter to the school. And Rebecca Fishbein’s whole piece on the experience is totally worth the read. But you can get a peak of this finned fun with the video below:


(Told you mermaids were the next big thing!)

Snark if you must. But “professional mermaid” Merle Liivand has no time for haters, telling Gothamist, “We have a saying that ‘mermaids never lose sleep over shrimp’s opinions.’”


Kristy Puchko always wanted to be Ursula. But to each their own.