By Kate Hudson | Miscellaneous | October 14, 2018 |
By Kate Hudson | Miscellaneous | October 14, 2018 |
For the past month, I was away traveling as much as I was home. That pace has finally caught up to me, and I’m out for the count for a few days. What I thought was allergies has turned into a full-blown cold, so I’ve cancelled brunch plans, ordered some soup; and am settling in for a few days of living on my couch, taking gross tinctures, and watching mindless movies and tv shows. (Luckily the Overlords convinced me to start watching Supernatural, and I’m only on the first season, so I have some options to put on while I doze on the couch.)
I’m not good at being sick (is anyone?!) and I’m always looking for something that can cut down on my symptoms and duration, overall. My friend lives in Portland, so when I had a gnarly summer cold a few months ago, she turned me on to some hippy dippy tinctures that taste horrible, but I do believe work. So, the moment I realized that scratch in my throat wasn’t from pollen irritation, I started taking a dropper of Oregano Oil; Elderberry Extract; and Propolis Oil each, which I’ll do 2-3 times per day until I feel better, or the zombie apocalypse plague of which I’m patient zero finally claims my soul as I always knew it would.
I also hauled my sorry self down to the organic juice shop down the road (it’s L.A., after all…) and got a large carrot, ginger and turmeric juice freshly made, in the hopes that I can nip it in the bud, and not hack and wheeze my way through the next week or two. It doesn’t taste great, so you know it’s good for you!
Summer has turned into fall, and we’re entering into cold and flu season, so I know I can’t be alone in having a sick day (or three) this week so I figured now’s as good a time as any to reignite the debate on to drink (medicinal whiskey) or not to drink while sick (as much as I’d love to be in the pro camp because that would be funner, I am anti based on the way it makes me feel the next day…), what’s the best thing to take for a cold (hippy and not hippy advice welcomed), and what you do to cut down on it to end it quicker. Please share your remedies below.