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If You Thought You Knew What the Scariest Thing in the World Was, You Were Wrong

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | August 24, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | August 24, 2018 |


The other day, I was browsing Reddit, as I have a habit of doing, when I came across a thread in the AskReddit sub. The question being posed was: ‘What’s the scariest real thing on our Earth?’ It was a few years old.

Now, usually, when I find something good in that sub, I’ll go through the thread and cherry pick some highlights for your perusal here.

Not this time. That thread, while quite generously full of some genuinely scary stuff, contains within it what might be the single worst thing I’ve ever read. And I mean that in terms of how much dread and terror it made seep into my bones, because in terms of writing quality and information transference, it’s superlative. So, again, that question was: ‘What’s the scariest real thing on our Earth?’ The full thread is here, but the only thing I am going to post here is this… Thing. This absolutely hideous, otherworldly monster of a comment that makes me want to vacuum seal myself into some sort of sterilised container and shoot myself off out into space while screaming at Voyager 1, ‘Hey, wait! Wait for me! Take me with you! Get me as far away from this planet as possible!’

Anyway, enjoy:


(Okay and here are also two follow ups.)