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Ray Stevens Could Never Have Imagined This

By Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | August 4, 2010 |

By Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | August 4, 2010 |

As many of you are aware, I’m quite a fan of nudity. So, it should come as no surprise that I also enjoy streakers at sporting events. Whether it’s at a soccer match, a baseball game or even while watching hockey (nudity and ice pair up surprisingly well) I always get a kick out of the guy or girl who decides to whip ‘em out for their country, just for the sake of making it on the 10 o’clock news or because that’s just what Frank the Tank does. Usually it’s nothing more than an innocent bit of exhibitionism that really doesn’t hurt anybody, unless you’re offended by certain body types or appendages, and the streaker in question is forgotten about in due course. But once in a while something comes along that sears itself so deeply into your psyche that you don’t really know if you can ever un-see it. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not sure how I feel about the following clip. Pre-op? Post-op? Was it a dare? Did the doctor stop half way through? I just don’t know what to think. Judge for yourself.

The clip may be NSFW but I really don’t know so err on the side of caution.

Here’s a question for you: in my home province, it has been established by way of case law that women may go topless in public as well as men. Of course, this is because if women were not allowed to, it would be due soley to gender and that is a no-no. What about jurisdictions where that rule of law doesn’t exist? Could he/she be prosecuted for public indecency? Whatever your thoughts, you do have to admit that the doctor did some pretty fine work. Also, my pants are very confused.