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Psychologists Say Humans 'Could Adapt' To Cannibalism. Wait, What?

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Miscellaneous | August 23, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Miscellaneous | August 23, 2019 |

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So there I am, going about my morning routine, drinking a pre-barre class cup of tea and browsing Twitter on my phone, when I see this headline.

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Well, thank you very much, MailOnline. As Bruno Mars would probably say, the take’s too hot (hot damn). I know the current situation for Brexit in the UK is bad but I didn’t know we were at the stage of ‘eat people to survive food shortages’ panic. Maybe the Daily Mail are just getting ahead of the game so that when the inevitable starvation of the population hits, they can claim that Remain voters are sensitive snowflakes for not wanting to munch on Aunt Mabel’s thigh.

The article they are referencing with this headline is one from The Conversation, written by psychology lecturers Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie. The overall piece is more interested in exploring cannibalism as the ultimate taboo among humans even though many other animal species indulge in it. In one of their experiments, they asked participants to consider the hypothetical case of a man giving permission to his friend to eat him once he died of natural causes, but about half of all answers still saw it as a horrific and negative act. The piece concludes by saying that ‘we suspect that we could adapt to human flesh if need be’ and that in the wider context of fighting world hunger and ecological disaster, alternatives to meat consumption are necessary. It’s a major scientific and philosophical debate repeated for the vegan and pre-apocalyptic age.

Look, all I’m saying is that I do own the official Hannibal cookbook if it comes to that.

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(Image via Giphy)