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People, Please Find Better Ways to Express Your 'Breaking Bad' Love Than Throwing Pizzas on a Stranger's Roof

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | March 11, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | March 11, 2015 |

Remember that great scene in Breaking Bad when Skyler won’t let Walt into their home, even though he brought her a pizza (and dipping sticks!), so in a fit of maturity, he throws the pizza on their roof?


Of course you do. Everyone does. So you know what people can stop doing? Trying to recreate that moment in the name of comedy or fandom or whatever the reasoning is. During this week’s Better Call Saul Insider podcast, Vince Gilligan says there are a whole lot of Breaking Bad fans out there who think they’re just the funniest, most original people on the damn planet, at the expense of some normal people who just have the misfortune of living in a fictional character’s old house.

Lately, we’re hearing from the owner that folks are wandering on to her property, and are being rude to her when she comes out and basically says ‘you’re on my property.’ They’re throwing pizzas on roofs and stuff like that. Let me tell you: There is nothing original or funny or cool about throwing pizzas on this lady’s roof. It is just not funny. It’s been done before. You’re not the first.
And if Gilligan’s telling-off wasn’t enough to deter you, Jonathan Banks (aka Mike Ehrmantraut) chimed in with “And if I catch you doing it, I will hunt you down.” Do NOT fuck with Mike. Just don’t. mike-breakingbad-stare.jpg

Via Vulture.