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Pajiba's Got New Digs: Here's Your Opportunity to Complain (and Help Create a New Pajiba T-Shirt)

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | February 14, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | February 14, 2011 |

I hate this part. I hate this part because when it comes to site design and layout, my ego is fragile because it’s not a skill that comes naturally. Many of the entertainment websites pay professionals to do this sort of thing (did you see Cinemablend’s spiffy new layout? That had to be a professional, right?), but with some technical assistance from Seth, I struggle through, doing in 48 hours what it takes more advanced coding guys two hours to do. I’m like that sitcom Dad who insists on doing it himself rather than pay the plumber. Sometimes, I break things. As a result, I generally eschew the feedback post, and instead flinch as I read comments about the new layout littered in other threads.

However, presenting the new layout also gives us the opportunity to solicit T-shirt taglines. But before we get to that, however, please do take a moment to voice your complaints. Get them out of your system, if you must. If the past is any indication, you’ll have forgotten all about it by Wednesday, anyway. It still has some kinks to work out, and I hope someday we’ll have pagination (the ability to go check the previous day’s posts). But, for now, the number of posts on the home page are the same as before, but the category archives are still a little ugly, though you can now click on the category and author names below headlines to pull those up. Oh, and I’ve just learned, the RSS feed is something of a mess. Sorry. I’ll get on that.

There are still things I’d like to do. We’re still wrestling with the idea of those giant slideshows nearly every blog has at the top of their page. I don’t really like them, but how else to keep more popular posts at the top for a lengthier period of time? We’ll see. Right now, hopefully the site is a little more user-friendly, contains less white space, and look! Images of varied sizes.

But what of that new logo that’s been up for a few weeks now? That’s a creation of Michael Murray and his lady-friend, Rachelle. I like it. A lot. It’s also the first original logo we’ve ever had, one that I didn’t rip off from something else and photoshop some text over it. Look how far we’ve come.

The new logo, honestly, looks pretty spiffy on T-shirts, too. And guess what? Come April, those will be sold, as well. You’ll be able to buy one with the “Scathing Reviews for Bitchy People” tag on it, which will continue to be the site’s official tagline. But, we’re also putting it to you to come up with your own T-shirt taglines, pithy nuggets you’d like to see in that bubble box. We welcome all suggestions in the comments below, and if your suggestion is chosen, I’ll make sure you get that T-shirt gratis.