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Pajiba's 100 Most Prolific Commenters of 2011

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | December 29, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | December 29, 2011 |

I know I say it every year, but I don’t say it often enough: I fucking love you people. And by “you people,” I mean all of you, and especially the commenters, who not only add a tremendous amount of comedy, brilliance, and profundity to the site, but you keep our asses in check. You can be irritating, you can drive us to hair pulling, but you are also the fuel that drives this place. We hook them, you reel them in. And you are the best the Internet has to offer.

Every year, we also like to thank our most prolific commenters. Obviously, a mere mention is not enough to show our enormous gratitude, but it’s the best we can do, I’m afraid. I realize there are lots of places for you all to share your thoughts and witticisms, but I appreciate that you still make time to share them with us. As I’ve said before, you folks have got a sizable audience: A huge number of our readers — and we now count about 1.3 million visitors a month — read your words, your thoughts, your one-liners, and your deranged lunacy. It’s a huge part of the experience here. I don’t know what we did to deserve you all, but sincerely, honestly: Thank you. I say that on behalf of the entire staff, and on behalf of the thousands of readers who come here for you, who many of you have met off-line, and some of you have even forged real-life and lasting friendships, hook-ups, and romances. Thank you so fucking much for another terrific year, and I hope you can continue to make time for us again in 2012.

1. Mrs. Julien
2. figgy
3. PaddyDog
4. ,
5. Socrates_Johnson
6. RobP
7. logan
8. Protoguy
9. MM
10. DarthCorleone
11. Paultera
12. Jay
13. superasente
14. Fredo
15. MelBivDevoe
16. BarbadoSlim
17. BWeaves
18. Three-nineteen
19. Pookie
20. Robert
21. Anna von Beav
22. TylerDFC
23. The Wanderer
24. Slash
25. Jerry
26. idleprimate
27. mrcreosote
28. Todd
29. snapnhiss
30. Uriah Creep
31. bleujayone
32. klingonfree
33. zeke the pig
34. admin
35. branded
36. kirbyjay
37. Nadine
38. googergieger
39. Julie
40. BierceAmbrose
41. Kballs
42. DeistBrawler
43. coveredinbees
44. Even Stevens
45. John W
46. Craig
47. Cindy
48. haplo
49. Samantha T
50. sars
51. ChristianH
52. John G.
53. cinekat
54. duckandcover
55. KatSings
56. Groundloop
57. Patty O’Green
58. grace b
59. Scully
60. splinter
61. Ian
62. Forbiddendonut
63. The Mutt
64. Mel C.
65. tamatha
66. Wednesday
67. Sara Tonin
68. mswas
69. Sean
70. Tracer Bullet
71. Lauren
72. Carrie
73. Candee
74. OldSchool60
75. gp
76. Snuggiepants
77. MRod
78. Reba
79. Lucas
80. Simon
81. D-Day
82. denesteak
83. Pinky McLadybits
84. Matt
85. FabMax
86. becks
87. Rest In Peace
88. Markus
89. idiosynchronic
90. Ender
91. Junierizzle
92. jM
93. beet salad
94. Lindsey with an ‘e’
95. Uda
96. lubeg
97. Samantha
98. pissant
99. Stinky
100. NateS1973