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Meet The Real-Life Leslie Knope Who Fought The Good Fight And Lost Tonight

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | June 26, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | June 26, 2013 |

After an eleven- hour filibuster that would put Jimmy Stewart to shame, Senator Wendy Davis lost her fight against the Texas State Senate tonight. In a gut-wrenching (and arguably rule-breaking move) the Senate voted just after midnight to pass Senate Bill 5 which would, among other things, prohibit most abortions after 20 weeks and require clinics to meet the standards of ambulatory surgery centers. These new strictures would require all but 5 of the 42 Texan aboriton clinics to close their doors. To see the full reach of the Bill, you can check out The Daily Beast’s troubling, interactive map.

As of the publication of this piece it remains unclear whether or not the State Senate’s vote on SB 5 was conducted before midnight. If it’s proven the voting was done after the 12:00am deadline, then it’s invalidated. But no matter what the outcome, I think it’s important that we take a moment to applaud this woman, Wendy Davis, for her strength and commitment to a cause. It’s rare and it’s stirring. And because we’re a pop culture website, I’ll put it in words we can all readily relate to.

UPDATE: Lt. Governor Dewhurst officially announces that the 12:03 AM time stamp is valid and that SB5 missed the midnight deadline. LOUD NOISES.
