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Man Creatively Retaliates Against DMV for Wasting His Time

By Kylie Cheung | Miscellaneous | January 16, 2017 |

By Kylie Cheung | Miscellaneous | January 16, 2017 |

The DMV can be the literal worst. Completing a single task there can literally require a whole work day given the inefficiency and snail’s pace at which things are handled there, and obviously it would be unfair to blame individual workers who are probably highly underpaid and forced to work with inadequate resources, but the point is, experiences there tend to be, well, awful.

Apparently to get revenge for this, one Virginia man named Nick Stafford who had somehow racked up $2,987.14 in car tax owed to his local DMV forced the DMV to finally take what it dishes out to everyone. That’s right: he paid his car taxes in 298,740 pennies, which by law the DMV was required to take.

Stafford’s cold dish of revenge was arguably an act meant to avenge us all and get back at the universally awful DMV, but at the same time I really don’t see how being forced to spend hours counting pennies is really going to make operations go any faster. It was a big, flashy move, but let’s be real, it was a pretty counterproductive one, too.

That being said, Stafford sure put a lot of thought and effort into his bold vengeance, literally hiring 11 people to help him break open rolls of pennies from the bank, load them into wheelbarrows and bring them to the DMV. Cumulatively the pennies weighed around 1,600 pounds, and counting them took a whole day. To load up and drag all of that to the DMV, only to get almost no reaction from its employees who were reportedly very pleasant in counting the pennies, was probably not exactly what he was going for.

At any rate, while probably not to the benefit of Stafford or anyone else who goes to that particular DMV, it certainly won him internet glory and sent the DMV a very transparent message about the sort of hell it inadvertently puts people through everyday. Which is, I guess, what really matters.