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Louis C.K.'s Rants Are Disturbingly Natural Coming From the Mouth of Comics' Cathy

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | February 10, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | February 10, 2015 |

Remember Cathy, the comic strip character who spent the 80s and 90s (plus, apparently, a decade or two on either side of that), searching for Mr. Right, eating chocolate and “ACK”ing over treadmills and dieting? Well, she’s finally relevant again, thanks to a brain transplant with Louis C.K. Because at their cores, Louis and Cathy are surprisingly similar.

The Cathy CK Tumblr the best comics/TV mashup since True Detective met The Family Circus, which was the best comics/other thing mashup since Charlie Brown spouted Smiths lyrics, which was the best mashup since oh my god make the internet stop.

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Check out a whole bunch more over at Tumblr.