By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | June 4, 2012 |
By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | June 4, 2012 |
As many of you have already noticed, we rolled out a new commenting system this weekend. To be perfectly frank, we’re about three or four years behind the curve on this. Disqus is fairly omnipresent now, but we’ve clung to our archaic Movable Type comments because our amazing readers typically hate and rebel against change. So, the first thing I will say is this: It may not be permanent. It’s on a probationary period to see if it actually works well for our purposes, and to see how many people throw old batteries at me.
So far, it seems to be working well. For our purposes, the advantages are that we will be able to flag and delete spam more easily (the system does not, however, catch spam any better than the old, but myself and the rest of the staff have a far less cumbersome way of getting rid of it). Moreover, it should be easier to ban trolls. But don’t worry: The same rules still apply. You have to be an egregious, long-term troll in order to get the ban, unless of course you are aggressively hostile to other commenters in a way that makes me want to shove you in a dumpster full of rotten pig corpses. But, I mean, look: There are a lot of regular commenters on Pajiba that might be considered trolls on other websites, but we have a very liberal policy, plus we’re kind of fond of some of our trolls (love you, Pookie, but could you please stay out of Michael Murray’s posts?), so I wouldn’t worry too much about being banned, unless you’re googergeiger, in which case you might want to check your fucking attidude, mister.
Also, you do NOT have to register. You do NOT have to login. If you’d like to continue commenting as before, just leave your comment, click “post as” and use your regular commenter handle. However, if you do login, you can create fancy little avatars and keep track of your comments here (and other sites that use Disqus), and even keep track of other registered users’ comments. That is to say, if you wanted to use someone’s comment from three weeks agains them in a thread today, you’d be able to do so moving forward because that’s the kind of anal retentive assholes you are. We love you for it. You can also sync your accounts to Facebook and Twitter, so that people can click on your name to go to your Twitter or Facebook page. You can also follow other commenters, you can have replies emailed to you, you can edit a comment after you’ve posted it, and you can LIKE certain comments. I don’t know what that does other than exercise the compulsion to hit the LIKE button that you’ve become addicted to on Facebook.
If you do register, however, many people are finding that their clever commenter handles aren’t as clever as they thought, and are being used by others. I’m sure you can modify it in such a way that we still know who you are. Or you can skip registation all together.
Now, please use this thread to get out your wiggles, do all your yelling, express your dismay, and demand the return of Matt (oops. Wrong site). Test it out. Celebrate Butthole Day five months early, and ask questions if you have them. However, I should warn you that I may not have any clue how to fix your issue. Disqus is also new to me, and as all things on Pajiba, introduced on a whim. Honestly, I didn’t even think I could actually install it. It was random luck. You may want to refer to for technical questions you may have or ask another commenter, many of whom have years of experience using Disqus on other sites.
As always, happy commenting.