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Just Marvin Gaye's Isolated Vocals On 'I Heard It Through The Grapevine' to Blow Your Mind This Tuesday

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | August 20, 2019 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | August 20, 2019 |


There have been a bunch of these going around in recent years. Classic songs stripped down to just their vocal tracks. And I’ll be honest—none of them have quite given me the shivers as much as this:

No, sorry, what am I saying. Of course the single greatest example is—and always will be—Diamond Dave’s dry vocal track on the 1978 classic, ‘Runnin’ With The Devil’:

As a wonderful Cracked article put it years ago:

There are a lot of things I don’t understand about the world. Chief among them is: Why aren’t we all wearing T-shirts with “GoddamnitbabyyouknowIain’tlyin’toyaI’monlygon’tellyouonetimeAhhhyaaaa!” on them? Why isn’t “GoddamnitbabyyouknowIain’tlyin’toyaI’monlygon’tellyouonetimeAhhhyaaaa!” a phrase so ubiquitous in modern speech that we had to boil it down to G.D.I.B.Y.K.I.A.L.T.Y.I.O.G.T.Y. O.T.A.Y. so we can quickly text it when someone doesn’t believe what you’re saying? Why isn’t it the default sound on all alarm clocks?