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Judge Rules in Favour of Parents Wishing to Evict 30-Year Old Son Who Refuses to Move Out of Family Home

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | May 23, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | May 23, 2018 |


A 30-year old man has been ordered to move out of his parents’ house after living with them for the past eight years, ABC News has reported. Michael Rotando moved back into his parents’ home in Syracuse, New York, after losing his job, and in that time he has, according to his parents, not paid any rent, or helped around the house. The judge heard that Michael had also turned down his parents’ offers of assistance with a potential move, as well as rejecting a series of formal eviction letters from them.

A selection of content from his parents’ letters:


After a discussion with your mother, we have decided you must leave this house immediately. You have 14 days to vacate. You will not be allowed to return. We will take whatever actions are necessary to enforce this decision.

Mark and Christina Rotondo

You have heretofore been our guest and there is no lease or agreement that gives you any right to stay here without our consent.

On the advice of our lawyer we have decided to grant you up to thirty (30) days from the date shown above to remove your possessions and vacate the premises.

1) Organise the things you need for work and to manage an apartment. Note: You will need stuff at [redacted]. You must arrange the date and time through your father so he can set it up with the tenant.

2) Sell the other things you have that have any significant value, ([for example] stereo, some tools etc.). This is especially true for any weapons you may have. You need the money and will have no place for the stuff.

3) There are jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you. Get one — you have to work!

4) If you want help finding a place your mother has offered to help you.

Just, wait a minute, let’s run that bit again:

2) Sell the other things you have that have any significant value, ([for example] stereo, some tools etc.). This is especially true for any weapons you may have. You need the money and will have no place for the stuff.

Mr. Rotondo stated in his court appearance that while he lived in his parents’ house and he knew about their desire for his moving out, he was not on speaking terms with them. The judge heard that Rotondo’s parents, Mark and Christina, had grown exasperated with their son’s lack of progress in looking for a job, as well as for other accommodation.

According to, following the ruling:

[Judge] Greenwood listened quietly to Michael Rotondo’s argument that he was entitled to six months more time. He gently corrected Rotondo by pointing to an appellate court decision ruling that family members don’t get special treatment absent rare circumstances. And he praised Rotondo for his legal research.

But Rotondo wasn’t having any of it.

Greenwood called the son’s demand for six more months “outrageous.”

Rotondo called the judge’s eviction order “outrageous.”

Greenwood tried to convince Rotondo to speak directly to his parents, Mark and Christina, while the judge waited. Rotondo refused, saying he’d made his legal arguments.

In addition to his ruling and concerned about the unusual nature of the situation, Judge Greenwood also ordered adult protective services to investigate.

Mr. Rotondo has said that he will be appealing the decision.

Now, there’s a lot going on here. Times are tough out there at the moment for Millennials. The job market favours a servile and vulnerable precariat; the housing market is a pile of hostile dogshit; we are saddled with Atlas-buckling levels of student debt; our wealth levels relative to our parents have collapsed; and the only thing that most of us have inherited is the knowledge of an onrushing climate catastrophe not of our making. As a result, an increasing number of our generation have been forced to move back in with their parents while they find their feet. I have sympathy for people who do so. Of course I do. Surviving the cruel and capricious nature of modern capitalism requires some solidarity. But there’s a line. I’m not sure where exactly the line is, but I know it’s there. To be honest, it’s probably somewhere a fair bit before ‘eight years back in the parents’ house against their will’. In Mr. Rotondo’s case, it’s almost certainly somewhere before this:

[The parents] took their son to court after several failed attempts to get him out, including a cash offer of $1,100 to move his belongings and get his Volkswagen Passat off their driveway, court documents obtained by ABC News show.

Outside court, Michael Rotondo said he took the money, but didn’t go on a search for a place to live, WSYR reported.

“I spent it on expenses,” he said.

(Header image courtesy of ABC News)