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"Vultures! Vultures! Come in vultures!"

By Seth Freilich | Miscellaneous | June 5, 2009 |

By Seth Freilich | Miscellaneous | June 5, 2009 |

Josh Friedman was the showrunner of “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.” He’s also a blogger, cause everyone’s a damned blogger these days, although he hadn’t written a new post since something like February ‘08. Busy dealing with time travel and robots and all that. But now he’s got some time on his hands (fucking Fox), so he’s written up a brand new post. Unsurprisingly, the “will they, won’t they” of his show’s renewal status was less than fun for the man. Makes for a helluva entertaining post, though:

Losing your show is more like a surprise divorce where you get served papers in the morning and your (ex)wife is fucking Human Target by three in the afternoon using the same time slot your child was conceived in and also where she did that one thing that one time on your birthday.

I really enjoyed reading this post and found myself repeatedly thinking of Rob Thomas (the guy behind “Veronica Mars,” “Party Down” and both failed versions of “Cupid”). Not sure what Friedman’s got planned next, but I could see him doing well with a less serious, more dramedy-type thing. In any event, you could find worse ways to kill 10 minutes than reading his Boy in the Bubble post.