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It's Cold Outside, So Here Are Some Festive Commercials To Warm Your Cockles

By Hannah Sole | Miscellaneous | November 29, 2017 |

By Hannah Sole | Miscellaneous | November 29, 2017 |

Ah, the festive advert. Yes, it’s just cheesy emotional manipulation and commercialism, but it’s a holiday season staple to get you in the mood for tinsel, mulled everything, frantic shopping trips, the same songs on the radio over and over again, chestnuts roasting on an open fire etc etc. If you are feeling the urge to get all ‘Bah, humbug’, maybe these little beauties will inject some festive spirit. Brace for feels.

If you haven’t seen the Marks & Spencer advert featuring the ever-delightful Paddington rehabilitating a burglar, check that out over on Kristy’s post. That’s the sort of thing I’m talking about: a bit of charm and nothing too shameless. Something that’s designed to make you want to spend lots of money, but also huddle under a blanky, hug your pets, warm your hands on a festive brew, contemplate the existence of edible glitter, and dream of a White Christmas.

One company has mastered the noble art of the festive advert, so much so that when it premieres, it makes the news. For those of you outside the UK, you may be entirely unaware of the British tradition that is the annual vow not to tear up at the latest offering from John Lewis. Their formula is pretty simple: start with an easy-listening cover version of a familiar song, slow it down — just enough to make it a little sad, then add heart-warming cuteness. In recent years, we’ve had the boy who can’t wait to give some presents, the lonely penguin, the snowman on an epic trek, the lonely old man on the moon, the dog who wants to play on a trampoline, and the hare who is sad that his friend the bear misses Christmas. This year’s offering is about a monster under the bed, featuring an Elbow cover of a Beatles song. Enjoy!

These next ones are from last year, but just in case I’ve not managed to get a tear out of you yet, I’m throwing them in anyway. It’s cold outside; let these little beauties restore a nice warm glow. Here’s a lovely story of inter-faith friendship and, uh, online shopping:

And, fair warning, here’s a Polish one that may break you….but in a good way.

So….are you feeling festive yet?