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In Celebration of Tomorrow's VOD Release of 'Happy Christmas,' Here's Some Anna Kendrick to Tide You Over

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 25, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 25, 2014 |

Show of hands, who totally forgot that Joe Swanberg’s Happy Christmas comes to the internet tomorrow? I guess it’s not hard for a mid-week VOD release to slip our minds (yes, I’m saying “our” so that I won’t feel so alone), but I’ve been so excited for this movie, I’m really kicking myself for forgetting. On the upside, it’s now a great goldfishian surprise! To get us back in the mood, here’s a clip from the film:

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And because not a whole lot happens in that clip (hey, it’s a whole movie based on subtle interpersonal improvisation, what did you expect?), and we’d seen most of it in the trailer already anyway, here’s some bonus Kendrick.* You deserve it.

Here’s Anna Kendrick in some flowers.

And Anna Kendrick in an unfathomable heaven of cuddly softness.

Doing her best Fonzie.

And of course on Twitter.

Because she is, after all, the Queen of the Internet.

*This message was paid for by the Anna Kendrick for ‘Pajiba 10’ 2014 Committee.

Via HitFix.