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I'm Not in Love: Lee Pace and Richard Armitage Set the Rumor Mill on Fire

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | August 7, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | August 7, 2014 |

After half of our favorite world traveling Twitter photo-posting pair…


outed a few of his Hobbit co-stars back in January, fans began speculating and outright fantasy dreaming up couples. And what do you know, fantasy may have stumbled upon reality. A Twitter user posted this “creeper” photo of Lee and Richard in Washington Square Park taken a few days ago:


And this ridiculous smiley-faced golf-cart photo must mean something, right?


Okay, okay…I know that *just because* they like to play golf together, or hang out on a park bench, or have dinner together with extended family, it doesn’t mean they’re a couple. After all, James Franco has a live-in boyfriend, and they’re not a couple. But we can hope, right?

And if this doesn’t make your day, nothing will. Here’s a young Pace (according to a co-star) performing Puttin’ on the Ritz. Ah-dorable.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) loves love.