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Here's What Love Looks Like: Some of the First Gay Couples to Get Married Friday

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 29, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 29, 2015 |

It’s a beautiful day here in Pajibaland. It’s Five Freebies Day; John Oliver did an incredible segment on transgender rights; last night’s True Detective wasn’t quite as bad as last week’s; plus, I’ve used up all my patience in watching Shia LaBeouf rap. So let’s keep this joy train going with a look at some of the love that was allowed to be made legal on Friday. Because yes, a few asshole state officials are STILL trying to fight the historic decision made by the Supreme Court, but there’s so much more love going around than idiotic bigotry. Just look at all this love in the form of couples who wouldn’t have been allowed to get married last Thursday.

You may have seen this video of the first gay couple to marry in Dallas County, after 54 years together..

Jack Evans and George Harris, the couple from Dallas County, have been together for 54 years.
