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Graham Norton Terrorizes His Audience Members

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | February 7, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | February 7, 2015 |

I like watching the Graham Norton show for the informal feeling of it, and the fact that Norton seems to encourage very different kind of stories from his guests. But I am VERY comfortable watching the show from the comfort of my pajamas via YouTube, and this incident would be one of the reasons. He gets two audience members to try their hand at Irish dancing, not awful in and of itself, but the situation progresses to the kind of scenario several of us have probably had public embarrassment nightmares about.

Once you’ve recovered from the sympathetic panic attack that’s caused, here’s 5 time Oscar nominee Julianne Moore sitting next to Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr. discussing Still Alice. If you are wondering what Cuba Gooding Jr. has been up to lately, the answer is a guest spot on Empire.