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Get Your Tissues Ready

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 30, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 30, 2014 |

Community on NBC at 8:00pm ET.

Parks and Recreation on NBC at 8:30pm ET. I understand this is the last episode for Ann and Chris. The show’s already been renewed for a 7th season, so feel free to use the comments for wild speculation and unsubstantiated casting rumors regarding filling out the cast (or not) for the next season.

White Collar on USA at 9:00pm ET. Fifth season finale.

How Do They Do It? on Science at 10:00pm ET. They’re covering civet coffee in this episode, so if you’re familiar with that and feel like making your coffee snob friends squirm a bit, enjoy. If you haven’t heard of civet coffee (which seems impossible in the age of the internet) then familiarize yourself. I would not recommend reading that while you have coffee in your hand, because even though it’s likely NOT civet coffee, the association will be hard to shake.

Elementary on CBS at 10:01pm ET. I keep meaning to catch up on this since I’m watching that other “modern Sherlock Holmes” series and I’d like to see how they match up. But “catching up” on Sherlock is only nine episodes total, not 35 episodes. This is the one advantage I can see to the British habit of very short “series.”

Genevieve Burgess has her work cut out for her should there be another snowy weekend this winter.