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'Fresh Off the Boat' Creator Eddie Huang's Brilliant Twitter Rant Shows He Still REALLY Hates His Own Show

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | April 8, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | April 8, 2015 |

Eddie Huang has made no secret of the fact that he pretty much despises the show he created. Fresh Off the Boat is based on his memoir of the same name, but in a brilliant piece for New York Magazine, Huang explains how they whitewashed his life into oblivion. Well, Huang’s problems with the show (and the culture of the entertainment industry that refuses to challenge viewers with honesty) have not diminished since its premiere. Yesterday, he let loose with a straight up spectacular tirade on Twitter.

And while that “lastly”would have been a fine way to end such a spectacular rant, he wasn’t done.