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Find Out When Your Hooha (or Lance of Love) Got Its Name

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | August 19, 2013 |

By Cindy Davis | Miscellaneous | August 19, 2013 |

Break out your best Beavis and Butthead laughs, people; if you’re anything like me, this will delight you to no end. British lexicographer and author Jonathon Green (Green’s Dictionary of Slang, Talking Dirty: A Slang Phrasebook) has created a series of timelines that include the evolutional histories of genitalia slang.

The first bit of penacular (my own slang) tomfoolery dates back to December 1300:

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Handy dandy legend:

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Whereas, the not-so-veiled references to ladybits took off with a (ahem) bang in 1230:

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Did someone say, “Tummy Banana?” Tummy Banana.

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Call me crazy, but I kind of dig “Eve’s Custom House.”

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Now go forth and make your own fun, people…I know you can and will.

Penis Timeglider

Vagina Timeglider

And the buck doesn’t stop at body parts; if you’re not mentally 12 years old (WHY?), Green has also created cool slang timelines for:

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Drunk Timeglider

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Alcohol Timeglider

Pubs and Bars Timeglider (not fully loading at the time of this writing)

Enjoy frittering away the rest of your day. (via Nerdcore)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter) is still giggling.