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Feminists Declare "No Catcall Zones" In Brooklyn And Manhattan

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | April 16, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Miscellaneous | April 16, 2015 |

What’s the best way to deal with catcallers? Is it to ignore them? Act like a loon? Or maybe follow them home and make their lives hell? Well, some feminists in New York City have a new solution: creating “No Catcall Zones.”

Brokelyn reports a joint effort between
the nonprofit clothing company Feminist Apparel and the guerrilla feminist collective out of Philadelphia, Pussy Division has resulting in the posting of 50 anti-catcalling signs throughout Manhattan and Brooklyn. And in the coming weeks, more will be hitting the streets of the Bronx, Staten Island and Queens.

Sightings of the signs are being tracked through the hashtag #CatsAgainstCatcalls

Sure, these signs aren’t law-enforcing, more civility-suggesting. But if they can make a man check himself (before he wrecks a woman’s day), then we’re all for it.

H/T to Edding Going for the top image.

Kristy Puchko hopes Feminist Apparel will put these signs up for sale soon.