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Ever See a Cat Lock a Giant Dog into a Cage?

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | July 9, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | July 9, 2020 |


Big dogs are the best, man. I mean, don’t get me wrong, all dogs are the best. Obviously. They are all, to the use scientific parlance, the absolute goodest bois and girls. But there’s something about big dogs that makes them just that little bit gooder. (I’m so sorry, language.) For me, the closer they get to their ancestral wolf-ness (again, so sorry, language!), the better. That’s why my number one breed—if push comes to shove—is the German Shepherd. The Great Dane is not a German Shepherd. But it is massive. And for that it gets points! They are also adorable gentle giants and sometimes cartoons. Like please look at this. What is this:

Cat lures playful dog into pet pen then shuts him in from r/aww

A cartoon and a nefarious mastermind, that’s what.

Header Image Source: Getty Images