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Clear Evidence of Why Thor Would Wipe the Floor with Every Other Superhero

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | March 28, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | March 28, 2020 |


I will not never not be awed by the power of nature. By the sheer mindblowing hugeness of the might of the planet’s natural systems. It just completely boggles my pathetic little jumped-up ape mind, how tiny we all are compared to it. And that’s without even thinking about how tiny the planet is itself compared to the incomprehensible vastness of space on top of it all. No, thank you, that’s a brainpopper for another day. That’ll require a stiff drink to lubricate the giblets sloshing about after. For now, the planet’s hugeness will do. Today’s exhibit? Some slow-motion lightning captured over a stupid and pathetic puny little human highway. Tell me this short clip doesn’t immediately propel your Led Zeppelin III CD out of your drawer and into the stereo which without hesitation then launches into that tune:

When Thor Wields the Mjolnir from r/WTF

Oh and hey just because I’ve been looking for an excuse to post this anywhere I can, and a post about the planet and its systems seems like a smooth enough segue, and because I foolishly left it out of my piece about songs about climate change, please look at the lyrics to Parkway’s Drive ‘Dark Days’ and weep with me:

‘What will you tell your children when they ask you “What went wrong?”?
How can you paint a picture of a paradise lost
To eyes that know only a wasteland?
How will you justify, justify, watching the world die?

The clock is ticking, can’t you feel our days are numbered
Head first into disaster from which there will be no return
With narrow minds we decimate our one true home
Cast into oblivion, judgment is calling

Behold the pale horse
This is the funeral of the Earth
Behold the pale horse
This is the funeral

A forced extinction closes out the age of apathy
The final act, sacrifice the world’s ecology
The death of beauty, the death of hope
Cast before the throne of avarice, judgment is calling’