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Cellino and Barnes Are Breaking Up Because Nothing Lasts Forever

By Jamie Righetti | Miscellaneous | May 11, 2017 |

By Jamie Righetti | Miscellaneous | May 11, 2017 |

Whether you’re a native New Yorker like me, a transplant or if you have ever spent any time watching local television in the Tri-State area, you probably have heard the insanely catchy jingle for Cellino and Barnes. But if you have no idea what I’m talking about, let me present this gift to you. Feel free to curse me out tomorrow when you’re still singing it in your head:

Cellino and Barnes are, as the commercial jingle coos, personal injury attorneys and they’ve long been a staple in New York, although they also have offices on the West Coast in Los Angeles, Oakland and San Diego. Their ads can be seen on the subway and on billboards across the state, including this picture of the duo as far north as Buffalo, NY in 1997, which is credited to Sharon Cantillon of The Buffalo News.


But, according to a report in The New York Times this week, Ross M. Cellino Jr. filed a lawsuit this week against Stephen E. Barnes, his decades long partner in the firm, in New York State Supreme Court. Although the petition was sealed by the courts, so we don’t know exactly why Cellino is suing, Barnes is due in court on May 19 to explain why their firm shouldn’t be dissolved.

According to their website, Cellino & Barnes grew out of a law firm started by Cellino’s father, Ross Cellino, Sr. who began practicing law in 1956, eventually founding Cellino & Likoudis in 1958.

While there’s no news on who will win custody of that infection jingle, you can technically substitute it with the following: “Cellino sues Barnes…” I know, not as good but hey, at least we still have J.G. Wentworth!